Healthy TV | Episode 016
In this episode I share why I switched from lifelong vegetarian to captain of the meat parade… And am now thriving!
Along the way, I’ll cover:
- The most important lessons I learned as a vegetarian.
- The one experience that changed everything for me.
- The most common nutritional arguments in favour of vegetarianism (and why they don’t hold up.)
- Myths and lies in the nutritional field.
At different points in my life I have identified as a vegetarian, vegan, pescetarian and even a brief stint as a strict raw-foodist.
I used to eat my weight in fruit and nuts and I can guarantee I’ve eaten more chick peas than all readers combined!
And now I Eat By Design.
What Happened?
What convinced this lifelong vegan to finally give up the boycott and captain the meat parade?
Simply put, for me it was always about how to be the healthiest I could possibly be. Because I was raised by well educated vegetarian parents, I developed a pretty serious bias to that lifestyle. So its no surprise that for a long time I didn’t challenge what I knew.
Watch the video to find out the main pivotal points in my journey. And if you want even more info with references then check out this blog post I wrote last year.