resolutions Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: resolutions

How To (Almost) Guarantee You Achieve Your Goals

Think By Design

We’ve all seen the stats…

The amount of people who actually realize their New Year’s Resolutions is pathetically low…

In fact, according to this study, it’s only 8%!!

Why is this?

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Have You Already Given Up On Your New Year’s Resolutions… Again?

Think By Design

Happy New Year!

If you’re like most of us, you’ll be using this special time of the year to reflect and renew. Many of us decide to break old, unhealthy habits. Others resolve to take better care of themselves, improve their diets, lose some weight, begin a regular exercise program or generally just get back on the path to Lifetime Wellness.

But, many people have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions…again. Why do so many people fail at making the positive changes they promise themselves?

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