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Saving Lives Everyday

Power By Design

This is a bold statement to make, especially when the vast majority of the public recognizes chiropractic as something that is “good for” different conditions like back pain, headaches or at best asthma, allergies and ear infections.  Yes, receiving chiropractic care may very well allow a resolution of those conditions, but it is far from the chiropractic we know, love and profess.

If your newborn child were in distress, would you think about a nerve system checkup by a chiropractor?  Would you think about this checkup even if your newborn child were NOT in distress?

A few weeks ago, Dr. Joel Richards saved the life of his newborn Cohen with a chiropractic adjustment. You heard that correctly:  “Saved the life of his newborn.” (To hear Dr. Joel tell his story visit our Facebook Fanpage)

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Are You Eating By Design?

Eat By Design

Nutrition is a field littered with so many experts and opinions that it becomes difficult and ultimately frustrating for people to “figure out” how they should be eating for optimal health.  How do you choose between Atkins, South Beach, Eat Right for Your Blood Type, Low Carb, High Carb, Low Fat, High Fat, Vegetarianism, Veganism, and hundreds of other approaches?

I think the answer may be much more simple.  If we wade through all the hyperbole, the mass marketing done by organizations with billion dollar budgets and the gurus, we find some universal principles  governing the nature of food, its purpose and how to best integrate these healthy practices into our families’ lives.  In those who have been able to do so, the results have been nothing short of miraculous.  But the miracle is not in the food itself; instead it is the amazing potential it unlocks in our incredibly designed bodies.

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33 Tips For A Better Sleep

Life By Design

As someone who really struggles when I don’t sleep enough or very well, I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy a better sleep.

In my experience as a Kanata Chiropractor, when people think about improving their health and creating Lifetime Wellness, they always consider diet and exercise first; quality and quantity of sleep is rarely considered.

Six to eight hours of sleep per night seems to be optimum for most adults, and both too much and too little can have significant adverse effects on your health.  Sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that most people don’t even realize that they suffer from it.

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Halloween Health & Safety Tips

Life By Design

Believe it or not Halloween is right around the corner, and although it’s a lot of fun for the kids it can also be very harmful to their health and our environment.

So to help keep it “green” this Halloween the Environmental Working Group (EWG) has come out with a list of recommendations.

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