gratitude Archives - Kanata Chiropractor

Tag: gratitude

7 Keys To Staying On Track This Holiday Season

Life By Design

Here it comes… Christmas. The holidays.

I call it ‘the silly season’. And for good reason. This 2-3 period every year is a time filled with over-indulgence, over-spending and over-committing to parties and events.

What that means is that even more discipline is required in order for you to continue to reach your health goals.

Here are a 7 strategies to help you make it just a little bit easier this holiday season.

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The Silver Bullet For Stopping Negative Thoughts In Their Tracks

Think By Design

As 21st century humans, we are in a paradoxical state – healthcare, technology, and access to information have never been better, and yet at the same time, we’ve never been sicker…

And I’m not just talking about physical diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Mental health issues are a huge issue not just in Canada, but in the entire western world.

And it’s not only the staggering number of people who have been officially diagnosed with anxiety or depression, studies show that a large percentage of the population are unhappy or unfulfilled in their lives.

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Change Is Inevitable – How You Deal With It Is Up To You

Think By Design

For most of us (myself included) change can be really difficult and scary to deal with.  I almost feel like I’m an expert in change by now, after subjecting myself to all of the following changes in the last 6 months:

  • Quit my job.
  • Flew LITERALLY halfway around the world.
  • Moved into a new house in new city.
  • Started a new job.
  • First Canadian winter First time being COLD!
  • First Christmas away from family.
  • And now I’m moving again.

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