Most adults have had the following examination procedures at least one time in their lives:
Happy New Year!
If you’re like most of us, you’ll be using this special time of the year to reflect and renew. Many of us decide to break old, unhealthy habits. Others resolve to take better care of themselves, improve their diets, lose some weight, begin a regular exercise program or generally just get back on the path to Lifetime Wellness.
But, many people have already given up on their New Year’s resolutions…again. Why do so many people fail at making the positive changes they promise themselves?
As someone who really struggles when I don’t sleep enough or very well, I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy a better sleep.
In my experience as a Kanata Chiropractor, when people think about improving their health and creating Lifetime Wellness, they always consider diet and exercise first; quality and quantity of sleep is rarely considered.
Six to eight hours of sleep per night seems to be optimum for most adults, and both too much and too little can have significant adverse effects on your health. Sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that most people don’t even realize that they suffer from it.