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How Do You Know If You Are Healthy?

Life By Design

How do you know if you’re healthy?  Most people answer this question, “I feel good.” Although we all want to feel good, there is so much more to being healthy than how you feel! The World Health Organization defines health as: “a state of optimal physical, mental, and social well being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Webster’s defines health as: “a state of wholeness in which all organs are functioning 100%, 100% of the time.”

Health is not only how you feel; it’s how you are functioning.

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Your Body Is A Self-Healing Organism

Life By Design

Your Body is a Self-Healing Organism.

The body is a self-healing organism; it has the ability to heal itself without drugs and surgery. For instance, if you cut your arm, the body can heal the cut without Band-aids or antibiotics. Your body has within it an inborn ability to heal itself; in fact all living things have the ability to heal themselves naturally.

So, if your body has the ability to heal itself, why doesn’t it? The answer is that sometimes we don’t give our body enough time to heal on its own or the actual cause of the problem is still present interfering with the healing process. Most patients who develop health challenges search for a pill or a potion to relieve their discomfort instead of locating the cause of the problem and removing the cause. By removing the actual cause it allows our body an opportunity to heal naturally.

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The Side Benefits of Chiropractic Care

Power By Design

Everyone understands that drugs have side effects. What many people do not realize is that these side effects are often undesirable and sometimes lethal.  Drugs all have effects, some predictable and some not…some wanted and some not. Side effects are not really side effects but rather effects of the chemicals in the drugs that are considered to be what must be risked or tolerated for the desired effect of the drug.

What are the side effects of chiropractic?

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33 Tips For A Better Sleep

Life By Design

As someone who really struggles when I don’t sleep enough or very well, I am always on the lookout for ways to enjoy a better sleep.

In my experience as a Kanata Chiropractor, when people think about improving their health and creating Lifetime Wellness, they always consider diet and exercise first; quality and quantity of sleep is rarely considered.

Six to eight hours of sleep per night seems to be optimum for most adults, and both too much and too little can have significant adverse effects on your health.  Sleep deprivation is such a chronic condition these days that most people don’t even realize that they suffer from it.

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