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Tag: chiropractor kanata

Living Well In A Stressful World

Life By Design

The boss is on your case, kids are busy with school, there are bills to pay, mom is sick and you’ve got stress!

Never before have we lived in a world where we are inundated with non-stop stress from all corners of our lives.  It’s nearly impossible to escape; it’s the number one contributor to illness, days off work and could be considered the plague of the twentieth century.  We’re told we need to “manage” it, reduce it and even avoid it.  But is stress really the problem? Or is it our relationship to stress that is the real culprit?

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The Carp Fair

Power By Design

The 148th version of the Carp Fair started this past Friday, and instead of being there enjoying all that it has to offer, seeing the animals, the entertainment, and riding the Ferris Wheel with our families, this year, we chose to take in the fair from a different vantage point.

This year we decided to get a vendor’s booth and use the opportunity to share chiropractic with as many people as possible.  So rather than enjoying ourselves, and spending time with our families, we felt it was really important that we be there to chip away at the significant misconception that presently exists within the public’s mind about Chiropractic.

The positive symptomatic results experienced by millions has made Chiropractic the largest drugless health profession in the world, but it has also positioned Chiropractic as a just another “treatment” for aches, pains, symptoms and conditions.

Could we be shortchanging ourselves by using Chiropractic in such a limited way?

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There Is No Process That Does Not Require Time

Life By Design

Life By Design is first and foremost a philosophy, one that comes from the roots of the philosophy of chiropractic.  Of the 33 beautiful and profound principles that define it, none is more powerful than the principle that states, “There is no process that does not require time.”

This may seem like common sense but, as you well know, common sense is not common practice.

The power of this principle is that it applies EVERYWHERE — in health, nature, relationships, finance, etc.  For example, if you want to be musician, it takes time. If you want to read a book, it takes time. If you want to have a baby, it takes nine months time.  There simply is no health process that does not require time.

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Step Away From The Treadmill!

Move By Design

Each Life By Design step bucks the trend of conventional wisdom, but none more so than our disapproval of “chronic cardio”.  “That’s blasphemy!” you say.  Everyone knows that in order to lose body fat and get lean you need to do spend a lot of time walking the infinite steps to nowhere on the climber.  Still not buying in?  Go to the gym, take a look at everyone running, walking, cycling and rowing.  Head back a year later and voila, no change.

How can that be? How can someone spend hours sweating it out on the treadmill in the cardio section and not lose body fat?

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