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Tag: chiropractic

You’ve Been Lied To

Eat By Design

It boggles my mind that someone would do this. And probably worse, that they continue to do it.

I mean if you’re in the flax business, is it not ok for me to assume that you know something about your product and the claims your are making? That just maybe, you’ve done some research and at some level understand essential fatty acid metabolism?

I mean thanks to Google all it takes is 0.44 seconds to do a quick search.

Go ahead and give it a try. 0.44 seconds is all it takes for Google to come up with thousands of articles, (many with links to research in peer-reviewed, refereed journals) clearly showing that flax is not a good source of omega 3 fatty acids.

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Are You Ready For A Challenge?


It’s been almost 3 years since we launched the Life By Design program at The Wellness Group!  Wow, time flies!

As we reflect on the past 3 years what excites us the most is the tribe of families in our community that have adopted these principles, are living By Design, and as a result are healthier than ever.

If you’ve been around us, even for a minute, then you know that we’re all about getting even better, about never ending improvement, and about constantly looking for new strategies to help us fulfill the requirements for health.

So as all of us at The Wellness Group sat down to make our plan for 2014, our main focus was to come up with some new and even better ways to help you take that next step with your health and not only feel better, but have more energy, become more fit, be more productive and happier than ever.

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(video) What Exactly is Eating By Design?

Eat By Design

With so many new people joining our practice lately, and many more re-committing to eating By Design with “New Year’s Inspiration’ we thought it would be good to film a quick little re-cap of the 10 principles of eating By Design.

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9 Tips to Survive Your Holidays and Avoid the Health Hangover

Life By Design

The holidays are upon us once again. It seems like it only took a year to recover from last year’s health problems that were born from terrible food, plenty of alcohol, no exercise and ridiculous amounts of stress.  There’s no surprise that more heart attacks occur in December and January than any other months of the year.

Take the time this season to truly enjoy your family and friends, but follow these steps so you can live to tell about it!

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