Dr. Dave Hawkes, Author at Kanata Chiropractor - Page 4 of 8

The Secret To Becoming A Fat Burning Machine

Eat By Design

Last week I was house-sitting for Dr. Gibson.

In the centre of his house is a fireplace. One which I just could not get to stay lit…

…And it made me think of how the body uses the energy contained within different types of food.

Actually, I first heard this concept several years ago from Nora Gegaudas – it’s funny how stuff comes back into conscious thought when you’re absentmindedly trying to start a fire…

Our bodies burn fuel to give us energy, just like a fireplace burns wood to give us heat.

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The Silver Bullet For Stopping Negative Thoughts In Their Tracks

Think By Design

As 21st century humans, we are in a paradoxical state – healthcare, technology, and access to information have never been better, and yet at the same time, we’ve never been sicker…

And I’m not just talking about physical diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Mental health issues are a huge issue not just in Canada, but in the entire western world.

And it’s not only the staggering number of people who have been officially diagnosed with anxiety or depression, studies show that a large percentage of the population are unhappy or unfulfilled in their lives.

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Over 40? Don’t Neglect This If You Want To Stay Healthy

Move By Design

Believe it or not, strength training over 40 becomes more important, not less the older you get.

Not only is it essential for day to day activities, such as getting on and off the toilet, but strength and flexibility are strong indicators of life expectancy, as demonstrated by this study.

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Eggs: Nutritious Breakfast Or Delicious Deathtrap?

Eat By Design

As I mentioned in a recent article about coffee, knowing what’s good to eat and what’s not can be really tricky. Another controversial food is eggs.

One year they’re good, next they’re bad, your doctor says one thing, your trainer says the opposite.

Well now I’m jumping into the fray too, to again provide a logical approach to making food choices based on the body’s requirements and the available research and evidence (strap in).

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